

Bulk SMS

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Are you looking for Bulk SMS services in Chittagong?

You can buy Bulk SMS in a very convenient price in Chittagong. All Operators in Bangladesh is supported. We have a very good reputation for our SMS services in Chittagong. We can help you for sending mass SMS as marketing services. You can purchase minimum quantity of 10 SMS to 10 lac SMS from us. 


Below are the pricing packages for non-branded SMS:
    500 SMS ---- 250 taka 1,000 SMS ---- 500 taka 5,000 SMS ---- 2,000 taka 10,000 SMS ---- 4,000 taka 20,000 SMS ---- 6,000 taka 40,000 SMS ---- 10,000 taka 1,00,000 SMS ---- 25,000 taka
So, the price is starting from 5 taka per 10 SMS . The more SMS quantity you purchase the price will be cheaper for you. More SMS price slots are:  

Amount (Bangladeshi Taka)

Branded/ Masking SMS Rate

Non-Brandad SMS

Less than 1000 tk.


50 poisa per SMS

1,000 tk. to 4999 tk.


40 poisa per SMS

5,000 tk. to 9,999 tk.


30 poisa per SMS

10,000 tk. and above

50 poisa per SMS

25 poisa per SMS


We provide bulk SMS through our own gateway API and website panel. Our SMS service is Unicode supported. Your SMS will be received by your target clients instantly! You can send SMS from our intuitive web-interface or using our web-API. Choice our SMS services for hassle free integration with any software.


Demo HTTP Web-API link:


If you are looking for Bulk SMS services in Bangladesh, please call us    +88 01613 987363

Bulk SMS provides you a better effective mean of promotion. Through our low cost bulk SMS you can promote your business on very higher level affordably. Using bulk SMS you can introduce your great business to general public directly. 

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