Object: Merge conflicts issues fix, about us desc setup. preparing interface for terms and conditions both doctor and patient object.(05/05/2021)
Project: Centralized Patient Management Software for Pro Health
Module Name: Doctor
Form Name: Subject: Drawer
Work Date: 08/05/2021
Engineer: Abeda Akter
Team Lead: Muhammed Azad Hossan
QA & Testing: Maisha Kalam
Project Coordinator: Nizam Uddin Emon
Centralized Patient Management Software:
https://extreme.com.bd/c/centralized-patient-management-software Centralized Patient Management Software:
https://extreme.com.bd/Software/centralized-patient-management-software URL:
https://extreme.com.bd/news?id=1057 *****************************************************
Centralized Patient Management Software
Developed by-
Extreme Solutions
771 Sheikh Mujib Road, Chattogram.
https://g.page/extreme-solutions-chittagongHotline: +88 031 712114, +88 01613 987363.