Pro health Module: Prescription Form name: Prescription data entry. 1) fixed dropdown menu for district, thana and post office. 2) implemented search option for Chief complaint, Disease condition, General advices, Diagnosis Adivces, drug history. 3) added dropdown for SPO2 4) Added BMI calculation 5) added EDD calculation 6) added functionality to save dropdown search data after clicking on plus button.
Centralized Patient Management SoftwareCentralized Patient Management Software
Centralized Patient Management Software for Pro Health Module Name: Prescription
Form Name: Prescription data entry
Centralized Patient Management Software
Work Date: 2021-10-18
Engineer: Md Shafiq Khan
Team Lead: Muhammed Azad Hossan
QA & Testing: Maisha Kalam
Project Coordinator: Nizam Uddin Emon
Centralized Patient Management Software: Centralized Patient Management Software: URL: *****************************************************
Centralized Patient Management Software
Developed by-
Extreme Solutions
771 Sheikh Mujib Road, Chattogram. +88 031 712114, +88 01613 987363.