Software Development Services
for better business management

We are a team of engineers providing industrial automations services, robotics solutions, software development services, mobile app development services, website development and artificial intelligence solutions from multiple locations including offices at Dhaka, Chittagong and Narayanganj with one & only goal- "CUSTOMER SATISFACTION"!

Whether you need modern automations solutions through use of robotics, iOT or AI techologies or want to develop ERP software for mass transactional activities and industrial production-oriented companies, our service will make you satisfied. With a base of experienced full-stack engineers team, we have served 1200+ satisfied clients in Bangladesh and out-sourced to us from off-shore. Extreme Solutions has proven capabilities for cutting-edge customized software development for Mobile, Web and Desktop Platforms & also delivering readymade software projects since 2005.

Products & services we are providing:

Best Software Development Company in Chittagong, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

List of all solutions

| Industrial ERP Software | Garment ERP In Bangladesh | Flour Industry ERP Software | HR, Attendance & Payroll Software | XHRM Software- ERP version | Smart Ticketing | Digital Pathshala: School Management System | Cloud Accounting Software | General medicine physicians Prescription writing software | Filling Station Management System | HR, Payroll with PF Software for Govt. Organization | CRM Software for Travel Agencies in Bangladesh: X-CRM | Pediatrics EHR Software | Auto-Parts Company Software | EHR Software for Surgery Doctors | Plastic Industry ERP Software | Lab management Software | Prescribe Rx for Internal Medicine | Trade Extreme (Trading Automation) | XLAB Accounting Software | PrescribeRx for Physical Medicine | Smart Ticketing ERP | ExtremePOS (Distribution) | DISCHARGE CERTIFICATE | Online POS Software (Mobile Shop) | Online University Management Software | POS System for Supershops and Retail Stores | ExtremePOS (Apparel Stores) | Office 365 Business Premium | CRM Software for IT companies | Tiles shop Management Software | Eye Doctors Prescription Software | Linux Master Reseller Hosting | Small Manufacturing Business ERP and Garments Management ERP | Office 365 Business Essentials | Book Shop, Publication Company Management Software | POS Software: Restaurant POS, Pharmacy POS | Office 365 Business | Windows Reseller Hosting | eCommerce Marketplace | Bulk SMS | Prescription for Community Medicine | Online POS for Mobile Distributor | Email Hosting Plan | Linux Reseller Hosting | ERP Software for Wholesale & Trading Companies in Bangladesh | PrescribeRx for Endocrinology Doctors | Apple App Store Registration | Construction Company Management Software | Online EHR Software | Google Play Store Registration | Lab Management Software | iOS app development | Membership/Directory Management System | Android App Development | PrescribeRx for Urology Doctor | PrescribeRx for Dermatology | SEO Service | SSL Certificates | Fingerprint Attendance Device | Sport Shoe Manufacturing ERP- MRP | Extreme Office (Business Basic) | ERP for Spinning Mills | Freight Forwarding Management Software | Mortgage Management Software | Dynamic Website in Wordpress | Android App | Dynamic Corporate Website Development | IOS App | Survey-Inspection Company Management Software | eCommerce Website (Woo-commerce) | Startup Website Package (Wordpress) | Multi Booking Management System | Service charge | Accounting software | Footware shop management software | Extreme Office (Business Essential) | Newspaper Website (Wordpress) | Extreme Office (Business Premium) | Extreme Office (Business Standard) | Schools Website Development | Patient Management Software | GEO Bag Manufacturing Industries ERP | Inventory Management software | PrescribeRx for cardiologist | Privacy Protection | POS for Shoes | Prescribe Rx | eNewsPaper in | Supply Chain Management Software | Website Design | Ecommerce Website in Magento | Home Automation | Smart Agro & Dairy Firm Automation | Smart Building Automation Services | Ecommerce Website ( | Smart Health Care Automation | Smart Hotel Automation | Website Development with React js | Industrial Automation in Bangladesh | Panel Transfer Charge | Windows Hosting Migration Service | XHRM | PrescribeRx | Best ERP software for construction industry | Frontline: The Ultimate Auto Parts and Service Center Management Software | ERP Software For Rice Mills | Best ERP for Rice Mill Business with Cutting-Edge ERP Software in Bangladesh | Public University ERP | ERP Software For Govt. Offices | Computer & Laptop Parts |

Latest News & Articles

Bangladesh’s Top Software Provider for Business Growth 2025 | Why Efficient HR Payroll Software is Essential | Number #1 Lab Management Software Extreme Solutions (XLAB) | বাংলাদেশের শীর্ষস্থানীয় সফটওয়্যার প্রতিষ্ঠান | A Top Software Company in Bangladesh Delivering World-Class Technology Since 2005 | Final Project Demonstration for Company Construction Management Software | Simple HR Payroll Software in Bangladesh fully automated attendance device data to Salary Sheet | Prohealth module: Prescription Form: Prescription data entry. 1) created the following tables for prescription data entry. a) New Prescription, b) Prescribed medicine. c) OENew d) CCNew e) Diagnosis advice new f) advice new g) unique id. h) History new | Prohealth module: Prescription Form: Prescription data entry. 1) created functions to fetch duration and next visit data from database. 2) created dropdown for next visit and dropdown search field for duration. 3) written query and function for handling data entry | Pro health Module: Prescription Form name: Prescription data entry. 1) fixed dropdown menu for district, thana and post office. 2) implemented search option for Chief complaint, Disease condition, General advices, Diagnosis Adivces, drug history. 3) added dropdown for SPO2 4) Added BMI calculation 5) added EDD calculation 6) added functionality to save dropdown search data after clicking on plus button. | Date: 15-09-2021 Work Summary: ProHealthAPI History update kora ProHealthAPI NewPrescription ,get,post,updategetId kora ProHealthAPI DECreate kora Module: Doctor,Patient Form name: ProHealthAPI | Work Summary: Extreme solutions own 1) Web view App for Guptodhon and Btv Inventory, | Date: 15-09-2021 Work Summary: ProHealthAPI History update kora ProHealthAPI VW_DoctorProfile,get,getId kora ProHealthAPI DoctorChamber Create kora Module: Doctor,Patient Form name: ProHealthAPI | Work Summary: ProHealthAPI History get,getId,post,put ,delete Create kora ProHealthAPI VW_RXBrand,getId kora ProHealthAPI AllergyStationReCreate kora Module: Doctor,Patient Form name: ProHealthAPI | Date:11-10-2021 Work Summary:Completed with buyer to buyer transfer and its history. Which shows the buyer's record including their godown, size, BPO number and item. Project name:THIANIS. Module:Inventory. Form name: Stock Tranfer By Buyer. |
Software company in Bangladesh Extreme Solutions
Business Address: 771 Sheikh Mujib Road, Agrabad, Chittagong, 4100, BD | Tel: +88 01680 794707 | Email:
CCC Reg.# 22763, TIN No.151418107830 | Business hours are